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Windows POSIX API Local Info Disclosure 0day
POSIX Compliance And Unix on Windows
BSides DC 2019 - 0-day Research Disassembled
Explaining the exploit we wrote and rants
035 - A shortcut (.lnk) to RCE, Pi-Hole, Shadow Stacks, and fine-grained kASLR
OBTS v3.0: "Abusing & Security XPC in macOS apps" - Wojciech Regula
Stream Recording: numpy 0-day hunting with custom fuzzer #2
Nullcon Berlin 2023 | The Achilles Heel Of The macOS Gatekeeper by Jonathan Bar Or
Finding iOS Kernel Exploit // SockPuppet Jailbreak - CVE-2019-8605
Finding 0days in embedded - Anh Quynh & Lau - H2HC 2018
Linux in the news for the week of December 23rd!
085 - iOS 0days, Apache Dubbo RCEs, and NPM bugs [Bounty Hunting Podcast]